George Santos lies and allegations


Image courtesy of Santa Monica Daily Press

Will Calingaert, Reporter

Newly elected congressman George Santos was recently discovered to have lied about almost every detail of his life while campaigning for Congress. This is a dangerous breach of trust to the voters in his district that elected him to this position.

The initial allegations against Santos were revealed on Dec. 19 by the New York Times. They reported that he had lied about many aspects of his biography including his employment history and education. It was also reported by the times that he was facing charges for check fraud in Brazil. The lies that he told included claims that he went to Baruch College and worked for the Goldman-Sachs investment banking company. This was later revealed to be just a fraction of George Santos’ lies.

It was later revealed that he lied about being Jewish and even went by the fake names Anthony Zabrovsky and Anthony Devolder. He even claimed on his campaign website that his mom was a 9/11 survivor and that he lost employees in the 2016 Pulse nightclub shooting. The 9/11 claim was later shown to be false after his mom’s visa application to return to the United States in 2003 showed that she had not been in the country since 1999; while an investigation of the victims of the shooting showed that none of them had worked for Santos. Information released in January by CNN and other news sources reported that the openly gay Santos was married to a woman from 2012-2019 and he had been a drag queen in Brazil named Kitara Ravache. Most disturbingly, it was reported by CBS that he stole thousands of dollars from a GoFundMe set up to help a homeless veteran’s dog with cancer.

The numerous lies told by Santos during his campaign call into question his ability to do his job in Congress in addition to breaking the connections he made with his constituents. Furthermore, claims by Santos that almost all politicians lie has led to curiosity about which other politicians are potentially lying about themselves.