COVID-19 Vaccine Progress

   COVID-19, a respiratory virus that originated in Wuhan, China, quickly spread throughout the world and turned into a global pandemic in the early Spring of 2020. This highly contagious virus has caused most countries to set safety guidelines in hopes to prevent the spread of the virus. Although the actions have worked to slow down the spread of the virus, more and more people are getting infected every day. 

   Since COVID-19 cases exploded, scientists have been working non-stop to create a vaccine. The most recent update from Moncef Slaoui, Chief Advisor for the Trump Administrations Operation Warp Speed Program has given us a prediction that the vaccine will be ready sometime between November and December. The most developed vaccines today are similar in the sense that they all use RNA technology. This RNA technology injects genetic instruction from COVID-19 into patients. This produces proteins that resemble COVID-19 but are not infectious. 

   So far, these vaccines have positive lab test results, proving to be safe and effective for over 10,000 volunteers. Once the labs know that these vaccines are working and safe, the FDA still has to license the vaccine. 

   These RNA vaccines will be able to be produced rapidly, a must-have feature due to the high demand. They are in the process of stocking up on as much of the vaccine as possible so that they are able to get it out immediately when it is approved. By January, there should be around 30 million vaccines out, enough to treat a good amount of the at-risk citizens.