Summer reading roundup

  The relaxing, the traveling, the camps. Summer is every student’s favorite 10-week stretch of the year, due to the freedom from school-work and worry.

  However, for some students, summer involves more than just relaxing, as it in involves summer reading and work for various classes. Both AP and IB classes require reading for summer, some of which may include multiple books and lengthy reads. Some of these reads may seem boring such as the math ones, and others can be seen as entertaining and interesting, such as The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain and The Catcher in the Rye for AP junior English.

  “My favorite book of all time is Catcher in the Rye, and I read it for IB junior English. I’m really glad I got to read it and it was something I looked forward to over the summer,” junior Sally Cummings said.

  Summer reading can be long and sometimes boring, but procrastinating on it, or even worse, not doing it, aren’t options for successful students.

  “Even though I didn’t like reading my AP Environmental Science summer work, I planned out when I would read each part of it so I could finish it and know it before school started, sophomore Erik Johnson said.

  There are summer readings or assignments for almost every AP or IB class. Each class has a different assignment based on what they want their kids to do.

  “Every class has a different assignment, and some classes, such as AP Environmental Science uses the book to introduce students into the course and give them background information, while other classes may give assignments for skills assessment,” AP Environmental teacher Karen Hayungs said.

 All AP and IB summer readings can be found on their respective websites, and there are tabs for each class. The website gives information about their  prospective teachers, and students are encouraged to talk to those teachers if they have any questions.

  IB summer assignments are not posted currently, but they will be posted before exams start.

  College Board, which manages all AP classes, has information on their website as well, to let students know the benefits of taking an AP class, the expected workload, and practice questions so students can know what the class will cover.