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The student news site of Broughton High School in Raleigh, North Carolina

The Hi-Times

The student news site of Broughton High School in Raleigh, North Carolina

The Hi-Times

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Why You Should Vote
March 19, 2024

Why IB?

International Baccalaureate logo. 
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia
International Baccalaureate logo. Photo courtesy of Wikipedia

   As class registration approaches, freshmen and sophomores are faced with the dreaded question: Should I sign up for the International Baccalaureate (IB) program here at Broughton? As an IB student myself, I understand the hesitation that sophomores have when considering whether or not to commit to a year or two of IB classes and requirements. IB is notorious for hard classes, lots of homework, and a strict exam schedule. I can’t say that those things aren’t true, but I believe that the benefits of IB outweigh the drawbacks. Here’s why:

  1. IB is extremely rigorous and will most likely help you get into your top school(s)

   Most highly-ranked universities are looking for students who take the most rigorous courses offered at their respective schools. They want to see that you’re challenging yourself and surrounding yourself with peers who will push you to be the best student you can be. This isn’t to say that Advanced Placement (AP) courses are not rigorous, in fact, I have taken AP classes that have been harder than a few of my IB classes. However, if you’re interested in highly competitive universities, becoming an IB diploma candidate will play to your advantage. 

   “…in the US, IB graduates are 21.4% more likely to be admitted into ten of the country’s most prestigious universities, including Harvard, Princeton, Yale and Stanford,” according to the official IB website. While simply signing up for IB isn’t a one-way ticket to Harvard, it can greatly increase your chances of getting into your top school(s). 

  1. The teachers are AMAZING

   Of course, every teacher at Broughton is fantastic, but the smaller community allows IB teachers to seek individual relationships with every student they teach. I have never had stronger connections with any other teachers before starting IB. Every teacher truly wants you to succeed and will do everything in their power to help you reach your goals. Last year, a few teachers even threw barbeques at their houses to celebrate the end of the year. They want to know you not only as a student but as a person. They are all truly fantastic teachers and people. 

  1. A close knit student community

   Coming from a middle school with only 70 people per grade, Broughton was a little overwhelming and still is sometimes. I love the IB community because it makes such a big school feel a little bit smaller. If you sign up for IB, you will more or less be taking your core classes with all the same people for two years. You get to know your peers very well and bond with everyone as you all struggle with the same assignments and deadlines. My classes are so much fun because everyone is comfortable with one another and no one is afraid to engage in classwide discussions and activities.  

  1. You learn a broad range of lifelong skills and applications

   IB is heavily focused on writing. Over the course of two years, you will probably write at least 25 essays of 700 words or more. Don’t even get me started on the 4,000-word Extended Essay requirement for all IB diploma candidates. While this seems daunting, and it is, I am amazed by how much I have grown as a student since sophomore year. While writing is the biggest component of IB coursework, you will also learn skills of listening, speaking, and others. The format of the exams at the end of the year forces you to expand your learning. My brother, who is a sophomore in college and an IB diploma graduate, raves about how helpful the skills he learned in IB have been for his college courses. While your IB education only technically spans over two years, the skills you acquire will last a lifetime.

   Freshmen/rising sophomores, you still have a year to decide but there are certain classes recommended for sophomores to take if they are planning to take IB so it’s good to be thinking about it now! If IB isn’t for you, AP, honors, and academic classes can still lead you to success. This is just a reflection of my experience as an IB student. If you’re on the edge of whether to sign up for IB or not, I highly recommend that you do. It’s hard work but you won’t regret it by the time you graduate!

About the Contributor
Addie Furr
Addie Furr, Opinion Editor